It´s one of the fifty states of the united states, added the 29th of December in 1845 to the other states. Its capital is Austin, but the most populated city is Houston. Its located as the south of the country bordering Mexico.
In fact, this state is the biggest in territory of the United States. Texas used to belong to Mexico, however, at the end of the secession war in 1865, if was part of the United States again.
In early 1900, the descovery of oil wells started an economical raise in texas. It also counts on a growing base in high technology, biomedical research and superior education. Its main attraction are the sources of employment, however Texas is considered the most “sticky” state in the United States, which is why it is very pleasant to live here
The medical area is very important in this state, the texas medical center is the largest medical center in the world, located in Houston, there is also the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, a world leader in cancer research and treatment. And the medical sciences center located at the University of Texas and which trains medical students and foreign residents.
The tipical flower is the Altramuz of texas, the bird of the states is the Cenzontle and its mascot is the Armadillo. Its typical food is chilli with meat.
Texas state otters a large list of sightseeing and landmarks to visit such as the Alamo in San Antonio, the uss texas, a navy battleship that was used in both world wars, it is transformed into a museum, Fort Davis, King Ranch witich is the largest ranch in the entire world, the uss lexinton, spindletop gusher and many other incredible sites.