There are wonderful sites to see in Sn Diego. Old town San Diego, a unique place where you could know the origins of this city. This place will let you know and go backto the past a feel how life used to be here.
Another place is Seaworlf. Here, you can enjoy sea animals and get amused of funny attractions for all kind of public. Gaslamp Quarter, one of the most important suburbs of the city, crowded of pretty houses from the XVII century, shops and trendy boutiques, restaurants and bars.
The Zoo Safari San Diego is an ideal place for animal lovers, this is one of the biggest zoos of the world. Besidescisiting and see animals on way of extinction, you might enjoy a visit to the San Diego Safari and see animals directly on their natural habitats.
Coronado Island is another place you can´t miss you can visit the famous Coronado Hotel and enjoy amazing beaches. You can take a walk at Silver Strand, a little path of land attaching Coronado Island with San Diego. Balboa Park, one of the biggest urban parks in U.S. It connects with an enormous green area full of museums.
Point Loma, here you can enjoy a perfect sunset of Sn. Diego and walking close to pretty riffs. You can visit the famous old lighthouse and get on unforgettable view of the city. Those place above are only a sampleof the mony beautiful sites but cisiting Sn. Diego Downtown can be considered compulsory. Downtown Sn. Diego holds most of the touristic attractions. It´s located right over the famous San Diego Bay.
San Diego is home of the baseball team Los Padres de San Diego. Petco field has capacity of 43.000 people. It´s possible to visit it with a guided tour. Finally, visiting Little Italy is a good choice. This zone is obviously packed of Italian stores, market places, restaurants, and cuisine totally similar to those found in Rome and Milan. Here on this area, festivals and parties, are celebrated almost the whole year and you can breathe and be contageous of the Mediterranean essence.