It is an unincorporated territory of the United States whose capital is San Juan. Puerto Ricans are Northamerican citizens since 1917, when the congress os the United States approved the Jones law.
There is mixture os musical styles in the Island, different rhythms, instruments, and melodies were developed over the Puerto Rican´s identity. The typical instruments of this music are the cuatro, maracas, guiro, the guitar and african drums.
The holidays in Puerto Rico are all the oficial ones of Both, the United States and Spain. The oficial languages in Pto Rico are both, Spanish and English. Spanish language is the main one.
El Yunque is the only rainy forest it´s an espectacular place. One place you can´t leave to visit.
Puerto Rico´s beaches are extraordinaries they have White sands, Cristaline water. Puerto Rico has mountains, valleys and other Natural wonders, its local handcrafting, rum, cigars (made by hand) are very apreciated.
The religión Roman Catholic prevails as themain religión (85%), followed by the Protestant and others (15%). Puerto rico has reached one of the highest rates of superior education in the world, acording to the world Bank statistics.
Some of the most relevant educational centers are the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico University and The Atlantic College.