It is known by its beauty from the mountains to its coast. There are many reasons to visit it. There are 3 regions very different that offer unique experiences, mountains, piamonte and coast.
The mountainous region offers many activities for fin and culture. You may explore The Blue Ridge Parkway, you can tearn about Induamerican tribe history ah the Cherokee museum at the Great Smokey mountains national park.
Piamonte is a mixture of urban sophistication and southern charming. It’s a metropolitan center including the cities of Charlotte, Raleigh ( the capital), Durham and Winston, Salem among others.
Many visit thais region for its awarded wine, with more than 70 vineyards and cellars. You can visit the zoo in Asherboro or Pinehurts recognized for benig the capital of Golf.
The coast offer 300 miles of beaches. You can see the famous lighthouses and wild horses of Hatteras cape and Lookout’s. However, the main attraction are the Barrier Island’s beaches and some coastline towns like Southport and Wilmington.