The Rocky mountains cross the state of Montana. It possesses vast territories still unexplored of wildlife and mineral wealth. It’s name as “Treassure State” because of its mines.
The capital is Helena and among its cities are Bilings, Great Falls, Miles city, Anaconda, Bozeman, etc. It has a important indian reservation formed by the Cheyenne, Salish, Kootenai and Chippewa tribes.
Here is the famous Natural Park of Yellowstone (part of it) the firts and older park (1872) in the world; wich you can behold most of the Geisers in the world.
Montana has the lasgest migratory Elk herd in the nation , this state boast the largest breeding population of trumpeter swans in the lower United States, these and more natural wonders we can see in this state.
Some curious facts about Montana are for instance, The Gideon Bible was originated in Montana, Montana holds the record for largest snowflake ever observed, there are more cattle in Montana than people, Montana has more bookstores per capita than any other state.