It’s called “Show me State”, that is because among its native citizens exits a kind of stubborness and consagration to the mere commons sence. Jefferson city is its capital, and it’s recognizable for Kansas city, Saint Louis, Milwaukee, Springfield, Independence and Columbia.
There are more than 5.500 water wells in Missiouri. There are also more than 5.000 caves some famous for the story itself or for its legend. For instance “Bridal Caves” has the record of the highest number of weddings underground celebrated inside of them.
Besides, this state owns the only caverns in which it’s possible to ride. Some curious facts about Missouri are that Missouri was named after a tribe of sioux indians called the Missouris Eigth different states border Missouri.
It’s the homeland of Famous Missourian writers including T.S. Elliot, Mark Twain, Tenesse Williams, Maya Angelou and Sara Teasdale.
Richland is the only city in the US with a cave restaurant, having 6.000 caves, it is also known as The “Cave State”. Missouri is one of 12 states with its own official horse. The Missouri Fox Trotter is a mid-sized muscular breede.
If you want to live Christmastime as you ever imagine, Missouri is the place. You can listen to the sounds of holiday music from the Victorian Carolers, experiencing the unique shopping and dining opportunities found along the festively decorated brick-lined streets, taking the scent of roasting chestnuts.