“The Pine State”, this name is upon recognition of the white pine tree, an official symbol of this state. Maine’s capital is Augusta and other important cities are Portland, Lewiston, Auburn and South Portland.
There are still some surviving tribes such as micmac, maliseet and penoscot. There is something peculiar about its climate, its offer observed a dense mist over its low lands.
The industry is focused on paper production, wood, leather and textiles. Maine has a great and vast area of woodlands. Remarkable scenaries and landscapes, artists, mencrafters and important festivals troughout the year where residents celebrate their roots and French- Canadian traditions.
Maine’s historical sites museums, ligthhouses and ancient forts are outstanding places to visit. Maine’s is also known for its chilly winters and for the chilling horror stories of Stephen King.
Something curious is that people of Maine take Lobster so seriously, The University of Maine even has its own Lobster Institute, dedicated to learning more about the animals.
The official state insect is the Honeybree, this state has a rich beekeeping culture and its official state animal is the moose.