It´s a pacific island located between Korea and Meridional Sea of China. It´s the biggest among the Marianas Islands with an extension of 550 km2. The island was discovered by the Portuguese sailor Fernando of Magallanes but occupied by Spain since 1526. The capital is the city of Agaña.
It became in the U.S Colony by the Paris treatment of 1898. It was invaded by Japan on December of 1941, but taken over by U.S in 1944. This island is a non- incorporated territory of the united states alike Pto. Rico. Guam´s citizens, mostly with limited nights, are northamericans. 40% of its people are aborigins belonging to the Chamorro Town.
Traditional Chamorra culture is manifested in dance, maritime navigation, its unique cuisine, fishing, games, batu, chonka, stuleks and bayogu, songs and fashion influenced by the immigration of people from other lands
U.S army contributes to the economy of the island mainly focused on tourism. Call “America in Asia”, Paradise islands, Hotel resorts and duty- free stores represent a third part of Guam´s employments, attracting local tourists from Japan and China, like the Pleasure Island aquarium, and other shopping and entertainment destinations turned into the largest tourist city of Tumon.