This state belongs to the North east region, "New England" division, founded during the Seventeenth century. Hartford is its capital and some main cities are New Haven, Stanford, Brideport, New Britain, Norwalk.
Some Indian tribes still live in some areas. They are the Mohicans and Mashantucket Pequot. It´s known as the "Constitution State" and "Nutmeg State" and "Provisions State" and "Land of Steady Habits"
The origin of the name “Connecticut” comes from the Indian word Quinnehtujqut, which means “Place of the Long River”. The main river that crosses the state is the Connecticut River, and has about a thousand lakes, although all are of small size; The vast majority of these lakes were formed through ancient glaciers melted thousands of years ago. Forests cover more than 60% of the state.
Connecticut owns many peculiar sites one of them is a museum stablished in honour of famous women of the region. There is the biggest Casino on earth The Foxwoods.
This is the home of the Yale University, one of the most important educative place in the world. There´s a Festival very popular in Connecticut you can´t miss. This is The Fall Festival celebrated in autumn, displaying a glimpse of technology long before day of computers, cell phones and other gadgets. You´ll see hundreds of restore antique machines in operation among other demonstrations.