It´s the "Centenial State" because it became in state 100 years after the signature of the Independence Declaration. It is also kwown as "The Colorful Colorado" due to the Colorado River´s colors.
It´s famous because of its unexplored territories and house of the Rocky Mountains. There are some aborigins settled down representing the Comanche, Kiowa, Cheyenne, Arapacho, Ute, Anasazi, Navaja tribes.
The capital is Denver, whose airport is the biggest in the country. Among its moist important cities are Colorado Springs, Aurora, Boulder, Aspen. Fort Collins, Lakewood.
Denver holds half of the Gold production in the United States and tourism. Archeological misteries of ancient civilizations still exist, ghost towns, formed by relics of disappeared communities, great rivers carving deep canyons in the rocks, mountains falls, gardens and scenic trains are part of its most important touristic atractions.
Some places you cannot miss are "The National Monument of the Great Dunes" and the highest bridge ever built: "The Royal Gorge"