Located at Miami-Dale County, this city is located on the South of Florida. It´s surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Everglades. The city covers a surface of 143,15 squared kilometers, It has a mild weather known as tropical climate with very warn summers and storms. Winter is warn and dry (the best season to travel to Miami). It counts on with a population of 600.000 inhabitants mostly spanish people.
Miami-Dale County deals with a huge metropolitan area and 30 districts. The zone offers a big diversity of lifestyles and places of touristic interests. A wide variety of towns, cities and beaches: Miami, Miami Beach, South Beach, Coral Gables, Bal Harbour and Hialeah. The city of Miami is well communicated. It has an International Airport (MIA) that connects the city with other parts of the country and the world´s.
Miami is know as “The city of the world that started as a fantasy”. Miami has been a shelter for touristcs and retired people. In late 80´s, the city has grownb a lot and has renewed its image. It has become an international commerce center and financial.
If you desire to make a trip to get a finetan, it´s recommended totgravel from May to Semptember, anyway, you have to love hot weather since temperature is really high. We also recommended to go there between March and April since there´s not too much hot like summer seasons.
Going shopping in Miami isd recommended the months of January to June, since youy may seize prices off.
It´s not almost necessary to speak about Disney World. This park opened in 1971 is an excursion from Miami almost obligatory, if going to Miami with children or without children.
Disney World is composed of 4 parks: Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney´s Hollywood Studios and Disney´s Animal Kingdom but it also holds 2 aquatic parks and several stores, malls, sport zones. This park is a big as Sn. Francisco city. That is why, travellers who want to visit this park most take it easy and not pretend to see it all the same day