“The Natural State” obvius name for a state full of nature beauty. It has transparent lakes, streams and plenty of animals. It´s also known “The Razorback State”. Little Rock is the capital of Arkansas, its name derived from a small rock located at one end of the Arkansas River, called La Petite Roche
Normally, this state enjoys the four seasons, the climate of Arkansas is smooth, because the winds of the south prevent the excessively cold winters, although in the southern zone the temperatures are noticeably higher than in the north. The industry is based on food processing, manufacturing of equipment and electrical motors, etc. 40% of the land in Arkansas are farms, a third of the production of these farms are dedicated to farming, especially rice, being the largest producer in the United States, cotton, soybeans and wheat are also grown. Its mining resources are important and it is noteworthy that this state has the only diamond mine in the country.
Landscapes of a unique beauty. There are two mountainous chains, you can explore the battle fields of the civil war and prehistorical sites of native aborigens. In one of the towns (Mufreesboro) is found the only diamond mine open to public.
“Blanchards Springs Cavern”, the most cavern discovered in 20th century is awesome. Two of the most important festivals to attend are The Arkansas States fair and The Arkansas Jonquil Festival.